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A Participative Webinar with David Moody

David Edmund Moody, PhD, is the former director of the Oak Grove School, founded by Krishnamurti. In that capacity, he worked closely with both Krishnamurti and Bohm for many years. In An Uncommon Collaboration, he reviews the entire course of the relationship between the two men, including their many recorded conversations as well as their personal interactions. Moody's primary interests revolve around the psychological observations and insights developed by Krishnamurti especially as supplemented and refined by Bohm. In Moody's view, Bohm's proposals regarding dialogue are an extension of his larger conception regarding the psychological field as a whole. Bohm dialogue, in other words, can not be understood outside of the context of the psychological views he developed in collaboration with Krishnamurti.

A Participative Webinar

During the webinar the cohosts, Nancy Dixon and Linda Ellinor, interviewed David to provide an overview of his thinking. Participants were then moved into small groups for reflection on David's interview and how his experience has meaning in our lives and work with dialogue. To close they came back together with questions and reflections from our small groups.

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