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A Participative Webinar with Jane Ball

We are honored to have Jane Ball as this month’s interviewee. Jane is the co-creator of several of the most innovative, dialogic processes in criminal justice. One is the Offender Resettlement Journey (ORJ). During an ORJ, an offender tells their story authentically by walking through their journey in front of an audience of 40 to 80 people, many of whom have played a significant part in their life. They re-experience their journey from arrest to court appearance, sentencing, and incarceration. And finally, to parole and re-entering their family and the workforce. As the offender walks this journey, he or she engages with significant players along the way. The Players, for example, police, court officials, family, and parole officers, recognize their part in the story and can then participate in the changes that need to happen to improve the criminal justice system.

Jane is one of the founders of the Academy of Professional Dialogue. She is a leading figure in applied Dialogue with more than 20 years of experience working internationally in social, commercial, and governmental contexts, facilitating tangible change through individual and team development, transformation of organizational culture, inter-organizational cooperation, and systemic change.

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