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A Participative Webinar with Peter Garrett

Hosted by Linda Ellinor and Nancy Dixon of the US Academy of Professional Dialogue.

In David Bohm’s Ontology: The Implicate Order, Peter Garrett reflects on his long friendship with Bohm and what they were trying to create together through the practice of dialogue. He takes us back to the 1980s with the first ideas of how dialogue might improve what Bohm was viewing as the fragmentary thinking that was damaging the world.

Peter and Bohm experimented with “dialogue weekends” for several years and in several countries, believing that the Implicate Order that had made a breakthrough in theoretical physics was applicable to human interaction. After Bohm’s death, Peter has carried on their work in prison systems and multi-national companies and now with the founding of the Academy of Professional Dialogue.

A Participative Webinar

During the webinar the cohosts, Nancy Dixon and Linda Ellinor, interviewed Peter to provide an overview of his thinking. They then moved participants into small groups for reflections on Peter’s interview and how his experience has meaning in our lives and work with Dialogue. To close the webinar, everyone came back together with questions and reflections from the smaller groups.

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