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Cooking up Ideas to Revamp Kitchen Worker Hours - Vickie Williams, James Brown and Michelle Galyean

Marion Correctional Treatment Center (MCTC) is the state mental health facility for adult males. MCTC houses a maximum of 191 mental health inmates of varying security levels and up to 180 Cadre inmates, our minimum-security workforce. There are inherent challenges having two diverse populations, such as controlling contraband, ensuring facility operations are maintained, controlling movement, and allowing breaks for kitchen staff. The scheduling for kitchen workers affects multiple departments in the institution, including security, counselor programs, and food service.

© Vickie Williams, James Brown & Michelle Galyean, 2022

The World Needs Dialogue!

Four: Putting Dialogue to Work

ISBN: 978-1739991159


Marion Correctional Treatment Center (MCTC) is the state mental health facility for adult males. MCTC houses a maximum of 191 mental health inmates of varying security levels and up to 180 Cadre inmates, our minimum-security workforce. There are inherent challenges in having two diverse populations, such as controlling contraband, ensuring facility operations are maintained, controlling movement and allowing breaks for kitchen staff. The scheduling for kitchen workers affects multiple departments in the institution, including security, counselor programs and food service.


Our aim with the Working Dialogue was to provide a process for everyone to use their authentic voices and work toward a solution that would benefit all. It was important to have representatives from all departments that manage different aspects of the kitchen and their inmate workers. Everyone needed to be available to provide input from their perspective and experience. Their commitment toward a collaborative solution was vital to the success of the Dialogue.

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