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Recording of Connecting Probationers to Substance Abuse Disorder and Recovery Services - Tessie N. Lam and Brandon B. Daisy

Sometimes an opportunity presents itself to stand back and take a look at what we are doing and how well we are managing. Such a situation arose when our prison District # 11 Probation & Parole unit was invited to participate with the Department of Medical Assistance (DMAS) on a Support Act Planning Grant. The grant is designed to support DMAS’s work to increase substance use disorder (SUD) provider capacity in the State of Virginia and assist the efforts of the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) to connect inmates and supervisees to SUD and recovery services. Our District was requested to provide information on community corrections for the planning grant, and to serve as a pilot if DMAS were to be awarded an implementation grant. It should be noted that since 2013 this District, located in the Northern Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, has experienced a serious heroin and fentanyl epidemic.

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