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Relay Race: Our Next Generation of Practitioners - Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka

My opportunity to work with Dialogue began in the 1990s. The German Unification process was a real challenge, especially for citizens of the former German Democratic Republic, or East Germany (GDR). Various East-West projects were developed and implemented to support this process, including dialogic approaches in which I was able to participate. In more recent years I had many opportunities to work with dialogue in the European Union. These included projects helping new member countries to meet EU gender equality legislation, collaborating in Learning Partnerships, working in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), and in administration to enhance the understanding of dialogue. In a three-year, EU-financed project we engaged two interested people from each of eight different countries (including Iceland and Turkey) for dialogue facilitation and, finally, founded our European Network for Dialogue Facilitation.

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