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Using SWOT and Working Dialogue to Improve and Strengthen Our Work Unit – Alfreda Shinns, Jillian Mackling and Caitlin Sweeney

Alexandria Probation and Parole consists of 15 employees: eight Probation Officers, two Senior Probation Officers, one Chief, one Deputy Chief and three administrative staff. Through community partnerships and collaborative relationships, the District strives to build a healing environment for probationers and parolees, their families, and for the community at large. This office is fortunate to have a large team of seasoned officers with very little turnover. By completing the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) as a unit, staff were able to identify those areas that have become challenging as well as those areas where they excel. Their analysis identified complacency as a big challenge for the District.

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