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Working Dialogue to Enhance Security Procedures to Prevent Contraband - Crystal Butler

The number one goal for the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) is longterm public safety. As in any other prison system, the VADOC is always looking to enhance its safety and security procedures to fulfill this goal. Looking at the visitation policies and procedures statewide, it was found that the common theme was contraband breaching the secured perimeter. Concerns statewide rose when inmate overdoses increased, prison infractions for contraband grew and the concern for the new synthetic “spice” drug appeared. Inmates and visitors were exchanging contraband through candy and chip bags from the vending machines, and it was being sent through the mail taped behind pictures, stamps, etc. Also contraband was hidden in body cavities of the visitors, while newer drugs such as suboxone strips were harder to detect and long visitation hours offered a bigger window to pass contraband. There was clearly a need to address the inconsistencies in interpreting the visitation policies and create more strict security procedures.

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